Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Fruit of the Spirit" Sunday School Class

Due to many requests...

On October 11th at 9:45AM in Gore Hall, at the Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church, we will be starting a Sunday School Class focusing on the "Fruit of the Spirit".

This is a repeat of a Wednesday night class that was given in the spring of this year. Many people working in our Wednesday night program(s) and at their public jobs were not able to attend this class. So, we are offering it as an addition to our normal Sunday School structure.

We hope you will make plans to attend this wonderful study into the different aspects of the Christian life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

America Becoming Less Christian

While reading up on the latest news on CNN, this article was one of the top stories:

Basically, the American people are rejecting ANY type of religion according to the survey. Of course, it is just a survey...

However, does this increase your focus on your fruits? It does mine!

Keep cultivating!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Yes, this is one I struggle with a lot!!!

Since September 2007, I have been praying about a career change - and not just a little change either. It's very scary and is a risk. However, I know what God wants me to do. I just don't know the "when". That's where I have to have faith and patience.

My career change is from engineering in a large corporation to becoming a small business owner in retail. I know I am meant to be the owner of Scrapbook Village. However, trying to get a loan was a dreadful experience. I did not get it. Then, others tried to get loans - 6 in fact. They were denied also.

With the economy tanking like it did, I am VERY thankful that the door was closed, but not shut tight. There is a time for everything, so I am patiently (or impatiently) waiting for God to open the door so I can walk through and do what he wants me to do.

Besides, maybe He's not done with me yet where I am right now.

Patience Handout

Please click on the picture above

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Random Act of Kindness Part 2

For those that attended class this past week, don't forget to do a random act of kindness for that person that you drew. It does not necessarily need to be anonymous.

This morning, there was some monkey bread on the porch for Robb. He loved it!!

Just think what could happen to the world if we just picked someone once a week to do just a little something for.

Prayer, a food item, help on a utility bill, a card, a kind word, a phone call, an email... use your creativity. God gave us all some - and if you don't think you have any, PRAY. God will show you an answer!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random Act of Kindness

Has anyone done their random act of kindness? Do you make this part of your life?

These are small simple things that let another person know that you have thought about them. How about:
  • opening a door for someone - could be a mom wrangling children into the grocery store, a person older than you with a few sacks around their wrist,

  • a smile and hello on Sunday morning, talk to someone you do not know, introduce yourself

  • pick-up something dropped for someone

  • return a cart to the front of a store

  • offer your cart to someone going into the store

  • bring a snack to work to share with others

  • donate something to the youth fund or to WOW
It's the little things that matter...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kindness Handout

Please click on the picture above to access the handout